Thursday, October 1, 2009

What the!

you knew I was on diet and I don't eat red and neighbors!

Sometimes you have everything

but just unlucky maybe?
Jean Yves Lemoigne
this guy has brilliant photograph shoots
give him a look

la fotografia

great photographs, and shit happens I know but
where the hell he found that magnificent homes

Christoph Martin

Its really good to be explicit

Just say it, some people you like and some people you don't, and there are plenty people around there aren't. So please cease the stalling and let us know people actually we like, even for a minute or hour may be years, and please don't force it to be eternal.

eternal sucks

I know you feel what I feel

what a beautiful sea

All stories about old computers

They have said that computers were room big, and actually bugs in the programming language comes from the real bugs. I did a research and I find a old PC photograph

her name was Inter Nalter Minalia,
I'm sorry that Inter and people like them lost their jobs

I don't really want to be the asshole but

of course there is a still probabilty that you are going to hit by a bus but,
living with the choices you make for the next fifty years...
No F Way

This is a real question

Imagine that no time exist, actually there is no time we have calendars and clocks, anyways
what if there were no clocks and calendars, how old would you be?
What do you think you should do next?
A military service, a graduate program, marriage, a good job, travel?
Would you do progress while time is not?

Tomatoes like us

you keep thinking which color should I be
and every time you pass a color, you start missing the just gone
when you are the reddest possible be you have two choices
you got eaten or,
stay to rot

From green to red

A pluralist masterpiece

Barbara Kruger (1987)
A modern view to existence
A pay with credit card does it count?

Oh look at him

Paul is a Lefty and playing a right guitar,
just like me

New art man for playboy

Thomas Lelu is a writer and artist also new Art Director of PLayBoy France
Vintage playboy shoots with acrylic paint on it, nicely done

There are lots of reason to love

I also have reasons to love vodka, scotch, martini, lager, bourbon, tequila, gin, Malibu, safari, cardinal....

Hitchcock retakes

a project done by Vanity Fair,
famous shots being retaken
from Alfred Hitchcock movies
gallery, entrez vous

Some women kill

may be indirectly but they do,
go on to the gallery