Sunday, June 6, 2010

Who can’t live in a pineapple under the sea?


Tons of oil leaked at the last BP operation in the coast of Mexico. And it will keep leaking for a long time. Human nature is selfish, human nature is evil. I know nothing will going to change it, but there is nothing harder to stay put and silence.

May be someday…

Not enough vodka



Not so expensive


And I see that many of the people like the same stuff, why don’t less people do it?

May be we really do not like those?

Or I should have seen social clubs for these people…

Jaume Osman



Surreal, but who cares for real…

Let’s drink to people


who they make things beautiful, while there is no reason,

From the story teller


For all of us.

His dream became the youth and more of our life. What if he did not draw the ugly mouse? What would be world today. He was a surely one of the most influential person in the history of humankind.

And on a good side.

New bullet from Bugatti

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Bugatti Galiber has revealed. It looks like Porsche Pananera, but surely stronger in any means. I am not a fan of wood in the front of the cars, though this is a exception.

A call for action


Not anarchy.

And a self note.

Do it.