Friday, April 30, 2010

Don’t be mean without


walking the same route with their shoes.

Hats and cigarettes


is new sexy

Smoking kills


Minimal design – Galli’s House

image Galli's house by Galli & Rudolf at Switzerland.

It is wooden. I wonder the interior. It looks like a house for a mathematician for me.

Being nice is not my life style


I’m just forcing myself to be one.

Believe me doing otherwise is much easier.

Oh sorry, you already know that.



Each part of your life deserves it.

Those girls were my favorite


At full house.

Look how fast they grow

Be nice to ladies


And ladies first…

Than you can check her bum.

That’s how rules invented, I didn’t invent them.

But If I were to, I would follow the logic.

This is alive


Having an analog camera, feeling, winding and hearing the film.

And most importantly seeing that little target like symbols on the objective.

If you did, comment anonymously (:




Online we cam chats! Oh what are we doing.

Guy is feeding his snake with chicks :S Is it weird or is it me?


bols1 bols2

“Bols 1575 Amsterdam (aka the inventors of gin and the oldest distillery brand in the world!) asked Mash to assist them in revamping their Bols Vodka Bottle. The packaging needed to have respect for the heritage behind the Lucas Bols brand which has been around since clogs. Mash designed a series of classic and elegant bottles based on vintage French perfume packaging.”


But when I hear BOLS, I immediately remember my stolen wallet. I was going to BOLS, or just left the BOLS, I am not sure but wallet is gone for sure.

I tried to do everything good, could I?


After having a nod from space. I feel confident straight away.

I don’t get to bored to watch after 10 hours.

I’m going for a record.

Jessica Rabbit, You can’t be like her Annette Edwards


Annette Edwards, a British Grand-mum has spent lots of money on looking alike as the cartoon star Jessica Rabbit.

I can’t say anything good or bad, she is not Jessica Rabbit, I take it but her effords, I guess earns an applause