Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Inception - The Cobol Job

Have you already watched "Inception"? Many people already did, and most of them love the movie. Honestly, I loved the movie as well, but this is not a review, nor a spoiler, just some good news for many!

If you watched the movie, you know the first job, The Cobol Job, but there is not much in the movie about this job. Luckily Warner Bros. already distributed a small Comic about the job on their web page!

This is good stuff, I must say. If you are interested MUST check the page below!

I have already gone!

Unfortunately, for a while I was not able to update my blog, as you have missed, I also missed as well. There are lots and lots going on, but I can't even manage to explore myself. I promise, I will come back fast and strong. There will be lots to see, and lots to discover.

But until that...
Gone tanning
For good!
This is from Cannes, by the way.