Sunday, June 13, 2010

A little bit of nostalgia


It has been 27 years since then, and Hustler still undressing ladies for us. We must appreciate. This is one of my favorite magazine covers, somebody must steal and use it again, not necessarily naked.

Take one for yourself


There is one for everyone…



What would they do if they didn’t have you.



It is simply this.

But it works.

New quotes of our generation

Let me know if it works


If they are not flying as you wish, gently lit the match, they will learn to obey!

It looks like a spy vehicle by the way.

A huge spoiler


Only one part is missing, and it is going to be revealed soon, for the ones that don’t read the books and wait for the movie to show up!

In September this year.




And don’t be afraid to lose. It is quite normal as winning, and the odds to lose is far more greater than winning.

Stop being a psycho.

Buckle up!


Things could get hairy. Or they already are?

Never trust a wookie, or a princess.

What if?


All the Disney characters were introduced with a virus that turns people into zombies?


It would have been cooler…

May be the movie, Zombieland will be a real theme park, instead of Disneyland.

Realistic(!) Iron Man


Or a bad joke, it seems cool though…

From threadless

And anxious …


and dissatisfaction

and impatient

and less sky watcher

A bookstore


Unfortunately I have forgotten the designer, but it looks like Tim Burton movies, or Dali paintings.

If you have a spiral, continuous also sharp interior design, something like this will be impressive on your living room. But don’t forget you’ll need a spacious room.

And what about you?


Belief is right for just that moment, please remember this with whole heart. Closing yourself will be the worst alternative in your life.