Monday, April 19, 2010

What is the reason


I know this is not a hard one to get effected by.

I guess necks my easy spots, or the hair, may be the shoulders.



That one is creative but body building is gay, sorry guys

Your favorite Star Wars figures all in the one


May the power be with you!

Small, but power is power.

Are you interested in films, by any chance?

If you are, what about trying Limits of the Control.
There are much to say about the film, but you first see it. May be more, you need to use your imagination.

I will wait for you with two cups of espresso in seperate cups.
You can't understand how this world works. - Bullshit!!!

Art, films, science, music... I am interested


As you can see below, that is the dolar value of my blog. I don't know how to cash it but I am sure that, I don't want to.

Anyways if I do, what can I do with this money? I sure want to go for a change to NY, London or Paris.

Yes pretty classic trinity, but there are definite reasons underlying the reason why they are the classics. I wonder how much money it would be in 2 months time.

I will sure check though.

If I will see 1M$ someday, I surely will sell it and open an art center. Of course it would not be orthodox, it will change the perception and we will work alot.

I guess in 10 years time, if internet stays still and my dearest you also stay,
we can work it out and I would love to make you a chai-tea latte.

And probably there would be cookies that will make you smile, even you don't want to.

So cheers to money, and what money can buy.
and cheers more to you to me and everything in between.


Napoleon - Money, money, money

My blog is worth $564.54.