walking the same route with their shoes.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Minimal design – Galli’s House
Being nice is not my life style
I’m just forcing myself to be one.
Believe me doing otherwise is much easier.
Oh sorry, you already know that.
This is alive
Online we cam chats! Oh what are we doing.
Guy is feeding his snake with chicks :S Is it weird or is it me?
“Bols 1575 Amsterdam (aka the inventors of gin and the oldest distillery brand in the world!) asked Mash to assist them in revamping their Bols Vodka Bottle. The packaging needed to have respect for the heritage behind the Lucas Bols brand which has been around since clogs. Mash designed a series of classic and elegant bottles based on vintage French perfume packaging.”
But when I hear BOLS, I immediately remember my stolen wallet. I was going to BOLS, or just left the BOLS, I am not sure but wallet is gone for sure.
Jessica Rabbit, You can’t be like her Annette Edwards
Annette Edwards, a British Grand-mum has spent lots of money on looking alike as the cartoon star Jessica Rabbit.
I can’t say anything good or bad, she is not Jessica Rabbit, I take it but her effords, I guess earns an applause
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Since 2001
I used to write much longer. There were no one to read, and things I wrote was not meant to be read by any other people.
Then, everything started to shrink. I started to write less.
Paper always listened me, and told me back whenever I need.
Now for a while, my screen mostly listens me, and some of you read.
I sometimes randomly browse my blog, and it tells the things that I lived. But there is better way that my words going somewhere.
You always welcomed to write comments. You really are.
( “Alkışlarınızla yaşıyorum” )
It will hurt
Look at her cheeks, do you see that hole in between. That is a part that can not able to lie. She is happy, so do we.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tilted big world - A miniature life in NY
Beko shares with the world!
I don't like some of the tilted camera captures, but this one is nicely done.
You really felt little in a big world.
At least you know what…
not to do.
Another weird thing in life. You observe and see that people like something in a particular way, trying out to doing it the way they like, you end up with nothing.
And without caring what they want or like, do things as you desire and they will start loving your way.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I am watching you
And the thing I enjoy most lately. The counter that you see can also see where you are logging from the world. I love people coming from different cities. Actually I had several other places but I need to restart my counter and I left people from Africa.
I will giveaway something to someone with the distant place. Comment here to claim your prize!!!
I would like to see someone from Pearl Harbor.
If you make it real, I’ll give you something that you want…
My eyes over you!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Could it be mine?
I used to love the idea of glass roof, and I designed for myself for some times. I must confess, this is really a masterpiece.
Heaven must be like this, I want this bedroom.
I have lots of weekend beds…
If you have 5 minutes and a nice taste
VITAL "Airport" from VITAL on Vimeo.
in imagery and sounds.
The creator http://takafumitsuchiya.com/
Again Kaan is Helping you out - High 5
Out of the office
High 5 is better than tossing heads, and tossing heads is not less popular than high 5 !