Monday, August 30, 2010
A house for rent
That was what I have been looking for!
Lately, I was looking for a studio or a loft, but something was very wrong and not suitable, then I realized those problems were the walls. This is not a dream house, this is a solution, or a mouthful breathe. Could be paradise to, if there are no mosquito.
Do you know the address for the house? I can surely stop for a coffee and a chit chat. Or a fresh coconut cocktail and long conversation.
Celebrity Sex Tape - Latest!
It is going to be my most searched post. I need to check from Google statistics. You cannot believe how many people search for "Celebrity Sex Tape". Or on second thought, may be you can believe, since you have closed your other page and opened my blog when your boss and mum came to room.
From Scotch, most satisfying tape of all.
Abnormality in reality - Guerrilla ad for Mr. Proper
There has been several guerrilla advertising in this blog, and I really like clever advertising. This is one of the best. In a boring day, this could make your day! Perfectly suitable environment, best action for the product. Voila! I don't know the results, but I believe, it should be positive.
Or, I don't know anything about marketing.
Have you missed? - Muppet Show
One of my childhoods iconic series! I know most of you also remember or at least have it in your subconscious. Naming a product of your imagination is a quite hard process, how you are going to name them is going to change everything about their characters.
A Venn diagram for names is really nerd but infomercial in a way. The best price is to remember all of those that put a smile on your faces when you were half big!
I am happy to see, Kermit, Cookie Monster, Gonzo, Ernie&Bert and Elmo!
Saw at CollegeHumor
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Anyone likes photography?

Via betterlivingthroughdesign
Buy it here
Lego Tryies to stay hip - Inception Lego
Lego never quits trying to be hip on popular subjects. Inception is one of them. Not every recapture is perfect, but these two are my favorites. Keep your totem with you. You never know when you are a part of someone elses dream!
Change your traditions - Concept Design
This is one of those next step innovations that we are going to start using without even realizing. But we surely do need these type of outlets immediately. And also, may be by changing our outlets, we don't need to use adaptors for different continents - I don't want to carry many adaptors for different countries! -
Here to Yanko Design
Don't tilt your head! Off Axis Watch
It is quite expensive though! $175, for this money may be you keep your arm tilted!
You can check it here
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Inception - The Cobol Job
Have you already watched "Inception"? Many people already did, and most of them love the movie. Honestly, I loved the movie as well, but this is not a review, nor a spoiler, just some good news for many!
If you watched the movie, you know the first job, The Cobol Job, but there is not much in the movie about this job. Luckily Warner Bros. already distributed a small Comic about the job on their web page!
This is good stuff, I must say. If you are interested MUST check the page below!
I have already gone!
Unfortunately, for a while I was not able to update my blog, as you have missed, I also missed as well. There are lots and lots going on, but I can't even manage to explore myself. I promise, I will come back fast and strong. There will be lots to see, and lots to discover.
But until that...
Gone tanning
For good!
This is from Cannes, by the way.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Never Hide - Sunglasses Video
Watched the video? I know you are crying that is fake! What were you expecting of course it is fake, and it is a Ray Ban advertising. A good one also.
Just, never hide!
Floating spaces
As a user this design is surely gives you more space, but it could be really good for turn-tables and laptops. In design, I believe in change, when you open this lid you should change the mood or the place. so using it for a totally different thing would be really cool. From wooden to mechanic, there should be a change.
Floating storage: The ledge by urbancase
Thursday, August 5, 2010
BBQ on your balcony?
BBQ pots for your balcony instead of flower pots? I love to eat BBQ all day, everyday! But I don't believe this will be good as it is in your big BBQ place. It does not have the depth! And may be neighbors will not be pleased as you are!
Still well thought and designed!
Via Swiss Miss
Feeling like buying a car? Because I am $40M short for cash
Worlds most expensive car is going for a display at California's Mullin Automotive Museum! Car is one of the masterpieces of Art Deco style and worth around $40M! Even though you can't buy it, 1936 Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic will be at California for a short time period.
Just to inform you!
Via Luxist
A great work from IBM - Double Images
As part of their Smarter Planet campaign, which launched last year, IBM teamed up with illustrator Noma Bar for a very clever set of posters. Just what does IBM mean by a smarter planet?
Noma Bar's illustrations are the perfect way to visualize IBM's hope for a better tomorrow.
A good ad campaign for smart solutions, from a smart company.
Saw at My Modern Met
Mini - Mini cooper?
Oh, I saw this baby Mini Cooper, on a retro blog, apparently this car was on e-bay open for bids. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it on e-bay site, probably she belongs to someone now.
Mini Cooper Shortly Convertible, is a car that would make you smile! I don't know if I could fit in this, but sure be lovely to see several around!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
New generation – Choose your destiny media
First interactive horror movie concept!
When I was a kid, I was really shocked that there was a type of story book, that you can choose what to do!!! I don’t know if you ever read those books, there were options at the very end of each page, and you choose your option, and you go to indicated page to continue your adventure!
Those books were really fun, and I read those several times for all different combinations. I think, applying the same idea here directly is genius!
From the reactions of the people, it can be seen that it has some influence.
WOW! I would want to try it!
This could invade your living rooms
Space invaders is never going to be old. Still on the top of nerdish interior design. This couch – even though does not seem to really comfy – could be a great part of your living room, especially in front of game stations!
Nerdishly cool!
Children Dreams
Would you like to your mother to photography you when you were sleeping? Actually I may be not, but still its worth to share! Pretty creative, and innocent
More here
Photos by Adele Enersen
A stupid and funny short clip for NBC’s peacock. Liked!
Client: NBC Artworks
Production Company: Nathan Love
Director: Nathan Love
Creative Director: Joe Burrascano
Art Director/Designer: Anca Risca
Animation & Rigging: Dan Vislocky
Additional Animation: Ryan Moran
VFX Compositing: Sylvia Apostol
Sound Design & Music: Drew Skinner
Be sure to check out the Nathan Love website.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Thor – Upcoming Marvel Movie - Trailer
Thor - Los 5 minutos de la Comic - Con
envoyé par cine365. - Regardez plus de films, séries et bandes annonces.
From Comic – Con 2010, They revealed new movie Thor. It looks pretty good, waiting is hard.
The PEN Story – Photograph Stop Motion
This is a huge stop motion, just watching for 3 minutes, I kept thinking how long did it take! And also how much afford in this beautiful music video!
Everything about this video is great. Please enjoy!
From NY
Biking does excellent jobs, besides saving earth and stopping global warming.
from The Sartorialist by The Sartorialist
A life of a Turk!
45 Saniyede bir Türk'ün Hayatı from mscank on Vimeo.
Even though it looks like a life cycle, unfortunately it is also a life of many Turkish people. The culture pushing you to stay in this cycle.
Some Turkish followers might know him, Mscank.
He has some brilliant stop-motion videos, worth seeing several times.
Visit his blog here.